blow me away.

copyright VICTORIA.


RGS Primary
RGS Secondary
Only Child
My Chihuahua

Dance Dance -Fall Out Boy

Why don't you show me
The little bit of spark
You've been saving
For his bed rest?

Andy; Cheryl; David; Francis; Isis; Jasmine; Jiyin; Leanna; Natalie; Nora; Pamela; Rachel Oon; Rachels Yeo&Yeung; Ren Jean; Serene; Shauna; Sixuan; Thashi; Victoria Loke; Yanka; Yan Ling; Yong Jia

Oct 29th [Sat]


FORM or FUNCTION? Form. What's the use of having a phone with a 3 megapix camera and 10gig storage capacity if it looks like you're lugging a computer around everytime you use it? One reason why I don't do pdas.
POP or PUNK? Oooh. Tough. I'll go with pop. Punk can get a little overbearing sometimes.
ROCK or RAP? Eh. Rock I suppose. I mean, some rap is cool, like right now I'm totally digging Kanye's Golddigger but like Fat Joe and Nelly's Get it Poppin' is just weirded out.
ELIGHTENMENT or ENTERTAINMENT? Entertainment. Hey, there's a reason why MTV's perenially on my tv and national geographic's well... not.
PEPSI or COKE? I really couldn't care less. I don't especially like soft drinks anyways, but I suppose vanilla coke is good.
NIGHT or DAY? Ahh... day? I spend most of the night sleeping anyhows.
GOOD CHARLOTTE or SIMPLE PLAN? GC all the way! Yes I'm loyal. [: Simple Plan is a little too... pasturized.
RAGS or RICHES? This is dumb. DUH RICHES. As if anyone would choose rags.
FAME or FORTUNE? Eh. Fortune. Fame will follow. Actually come to think of it, when you have fame, fortune follows too. But heck, it's be nice to be like, rich without the conspicuosity (is there such a word?) of fame. Besides, famous people get sued alot.
EMO or GOTH? E to the M-O! Goth is too intense. Same goes for metal, and any variations of the like. And emo guys are hot. [:
SCIENCE or HUMAN.S? Humanity humanity humanity. I like my languages.
VINTAGE or MODERN? Right now, I'm all about the retros. Modern is cool, but vintage is more homey and cosy-ish. Whatever.

[/end this or that]



strike up a chord
of melodious grace.
violins on tilted spans
play with unnatural haste.
prance around the dancefloor
show them what she's got.
barbie doll in her modern clothes
floating, twirling, touch-her-not.
the mirrors start to shiver,
in a mystic monologue.
the rest are but mannequins,
stilborn smiles agog.
disquieting muses with
a long-forgotten name.
passing of apocalypse
so different yet still the same.
a wind of such violence
won't blow her away, away, away.
til the lullaby engulfs, enchants,
she'll die another day.

Oct 21st [Fri]


No more exams! Yeah. So after the math paper at 9.15 me, joon, huiqi, moops and chris took a bus to far east and had burger king for a brunch-of-sorts. I had my chicken cheesesticks. Yum. And some fries dipped in ice-cream. It's goood okay.
Then we went to take neos! Spent 17 bucks altogether there. It was sooo super spas please. We kept running out of time and we're like FREAK and we're screaming and it's so crazy lol. But they actually turned out quite nice. Yay.
And then we went back at about 11.40 cos they had an OM audition/briefing/whatever. But we had movie plans for later. Oh, and we gave shev and nora some neos too. [= to remember us by.
So while they had their OM stuff I waited in class and worked on my CAP portfolio. Man it was boring. And I cut some neos and finished the school climate survey. Whee so productive eh.
And then later me, chris, moops and nora wanted to take a bus to orchard cine but there was such a crowd that we decided to just take a cab instead. And then we got tickets for flightplan! Cos chris and sixuan got wooed by the preview. Heh.
So we decided to walk around first cos the movie hadn't started and we went to take, surprise surprise, MORE NEOS. So altogether we blew 34 bucks on neos. Gosh. This time was soooo cute! So funny la. The pen wan't working and then nora was writing halfway then suddenly the time was up and then the picture came out all funny cos the words were half erased! So stupid please. Lmao.
And flightplan was nice! Jodie Foster can ACT la. But I thought it was a bit anti-climax. But still. It was nice. [= I had my nachos and cheese with chris. I think I'm kinda going overboard with the cheese.
And then we walked to Heeren, to the so called 'secluded shops' of Sixuan. I was just tagging along cos I rarely go Heeren anyways. So we went to 77th street. Or walked through it. I didn't even realise until we came out of the other side and I saw the sign and I'm like, oh, this is 77th street? And moops is like, we just walked out of it, dude. And I'm like, ohhhh! So lame. It's weird cos my mum knows the founder but I''ve never ever ever shopped there before. Hmmm. And yknow what. I saw YANKA THERE! So co-incidental. Yes anyway cine was like, flooded with students.
Yeah and that's about it. Then we took a bus from taka to raffles town club and I caught a cab from there home. [= And that's it. I still wanna watch legend of zorro and skeleton key. Looks interesting.

Oct 17th [Mon]


Yeaah well technically my self-imposed curfew wasn't supposed to end until the end of this week cos that's when the exams truly end but what the heck, self-imposed things never worked well for me anyways.

Just to set the record straight my compo wasn't all that so ooohlala incredible so yeah. Seriously. And no Nora, as much as I hope to, I don't think I'm gonna get 30/30.
The story's a bout 'me' who goes to school and it's mother's day and everyone's making a card and my mother's dead and the 'memory' in the title comes in when I recall the memory of my mother.
So you see it's actually quite cliched. Tra-la.

BUT cos I'm still aspiring to be a mugger til at least 21st Oct, this post is gonna be kept short.

Ta-da. Short.

(Kay I'm off to make a layout now. OOPS maybe not so mugger.)

Bye dudes.

Oct 7th [Fri]

Yknow what. I just realised that I have done like ZERO mugging and I am so totally UNprepared for the eoys.
Ahhhhh. I totally supremely majorly absolutely superbly definitely need to go mug now.
I'm gonna follow Nora and turn off into self-induced hibernation okay. And this time I seriously AM gonna STICK to my resolution. Victoria's going NERD. 8)
Send me notes, people.
Hit me, baby.

Cause you can't jump the track
We're like cars on a cable
And life's like an hourglass glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button, girl
So cradle your head in your hands
And breathe
Just breathe.

wake me up when september ends.

Oct 6th [Thurs]

Still sick.

may i feel said he
(i'll squeal said she
just once said he)
it's fun said she

(may i touch said he
how much said she
a lot said he)
why not said she

(let's go said he
not too far said she
what's too far said he
where you are said she)

may i stay said he
(which way said she
like this said he
if you kiss said she

may i move said he
is it love said she)
if you're willing said he
(but you're killing said she

but it's life said he
but your wife said she
now said he)
ow said she

(tiptop said he
don't stop said she
oh no said he)
go slow said she

(cccome?said he
ummm said she)
you're divine!said he
(you are Mine said she)
-E.E. Cummings