blow me away.

copyright VICTORIA.


RGS Primary
RGS Secondary
Only Child
My Chihuahua

Dance Dance -Fall Out Boy

Why don't you show me
The little bit of spark
You've been saving
For his bed rest?

Andy; Cheryl; David; Francis; Isis; Jasmine; Jiyin; Leanna; Natalie; Nora; Pamela; Rachel Oon; Rachels Yeo&Yeung; Ren Jean; Serene; Shauna; Sixuan; Thashi; Victoria Loke; Yanka; Yan Ling; Yong Jia

Sept 9th [Fri]

(Coming atcha live from MAPLEWOODS@bukittimah.)

Mmmm I suppose the house isn't too bad. It's slightly bigger than our other place, this one is like, 2500 sqf or something. But my room is like, two third the size of my old one! That's cos our hall+living is enormously enormously big and I think it's a frigging waste of space. Oh and here, cos we're on the ground floor, the ceiling is HIGH. I mean, really really high. 17, 18 feet or something. WHOOSH.
And also. Once you walk out of the toilet you've gotta be like, fully dressed. Cos there are people walking around the entire place and yeah. Don't wanna go around exposing yourself. And like what, 70% of the poeple living here are expats or something. Gosh. And the poor dawggie isn't used to it. =/ Poor baby.

But that's it. And in case you've been wondering about my lack of posts, it's cos the &%#*@ movers actually LEFT our MODEM BEHIND when moving our computer. OMGOSH how annoying. Grrrrr. So when we went back to fetch it it was lying on the floor looking so lonely and forgotten and abandoned. )=
But we quickly fixed it back so here I am again. ^^ lol.
(Oooh and my mum say's she's gonna upgrade our inet connection. Yay. Broadband isn't fast enough. I wanna get the starhub 250k/s one but too bad we're using singnet so that won't do. Aww.)

And the day before, I GOT LOCKED OUT. Cos y'see, you need this card to scan before you enter the building or the door won't open, so I went out to walk my dog to kap (king albert park, dolt) and back and then I realised I didn't have my card. OMGOSH then I hadta ring up to ask my maid to let me in but SHE WASN'T HOME. Eeeeks. So I was waiting when this nice lady came out of the building and then I could go in. (= Yay thank you nice lady. You saved my life - or at least my dignity.

Yeah and that's all. Oh, and nora send me those pics okay? So I can get crackin' lmao. (=


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